If you are here and in an immediate crisis/emergency, please call 988 or 911 for assistance.
Call your medical professional or go to your nearest emergency room for support.
Listed below is a list of trusted and reputable agencies to support your search for a Mental Health Professional. Please use your own discretion to find someone with whom you can work with to make the growth and progress you desire. Request a consultation; use this list of questions to ask your potential therapist to make the most of the consult.
Inside Out Counseling and Coaching https://insideoutliving.org
Vulnerability clarifies vision. Honesty leads to healing. Courage prompts creativity. Transparency leads to transformation.
We aim to help people break the cycles of generational curses, the chains of trauma, the familiarity of destructive behaviors, and provide clarity for self-improvement as a means of changing the world from the inside out with each person we touch.
The Collective Healing Space https://www.thecollectivehealingspace.org
Led by a licensed psychologist specializing in racial trauma, the Collective Healing Space is facilitating healing and hope within our clients, by helping them access their inherent capacity to create meaningful change in their lives. Meet the team and schedule an appointment here.
Black Therapists Matter https://www.blacktherapistsmatter.org/
Looking for a practitioner who looks like you? Black Therapists Matter is a directory featuring practitioners of color. Find one who works for you here.
Therapy for Black Girls https://therapyforblackgirls.com
So often the stigma surrounding mental health issues and therapy prevents Black women from taking the step of seeing a therapist. This space was developed to present mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant. Find a therapist here.
Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists
Find detailed listings for mental health professionals in the US. Search by state or major city closest to you. If you’re looking for a support group, search for one virtually or in-person here.